Welcome to

Henham, Elsenham & Ugley Churches



We are a friendly, Christ-centred group of churches in North Essex.

We believe that in the Bible God speaks a message of hope and forgiveness that is for everyone.

If you’ve never been before, we’d love to meet you!

What’s On

Find out what is happening at our churches.

Why us?

Who we are and what we believe.

How to find us?

The location of our venues.

How to Contact us?

Send us a message or find out how we keep the law.

Join us this Sunday

Sunday 9 February 2025:

8.45am Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion, St Mary’s Elsenham

10.00am Morning Service, St Peter’s Ugley

10.15am Family Service, Elsenham Village Hall with Children’s Sunday Club

6.00pm Sunday @6, Henham School Hall with youth groups:

Pathfinders (Y7-Y9), Crammin’ (Y10-Y13)



“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”

John 3:16

HEU Church Office, Old Frank’s, High Street, Elsenham, CM22 6DD. Tel: 01279 814285.

Henham Church is a registered charity. Number 1139750.